Notable Milestones
- Assisting our clients with successful training grant applications locally. Approved, Apprenticeship funding applications of R 150K per apprentice and providing access to intern placement funding opportunities.
- Facilitating a number of practical HR workshops, specifically designed for entrepreneurs.
- Conducting employee engagement surveys at our clients to gauge the satisfaction levels of staff and also to assist with developing an improvement plan.
- Contributing to job creation within our own organisation.
Our Founder's Achievements
Our founder, Terine Lott-Cupido entrepreneurial drive and work ethic, has been recognised by a number of institutions, since she started her entrepreneurial journey in 2017 and some are highlighted below:
She was a guest speaker sharing her journey as a role model entrepreneur, at the Independent Community Newspapers, Pennies for Princesses Women’s Day event (August 2017), on CCFM radio (September 2017), False Bay College, Mitchells Plain Campus Orientation day (January 2018) and at the Entrepreneurship Development in Higher Education (EDHE) Legkotla Conference in Durban (June 2019). Terine was also selected to be the keynote speaker at the launch of the Northlink College Centre of Specialisation for the Fitting and Turning trade, in February 2019.
- False Bay College Poster and Pitch winner, in November 2017.
- Nominated and selected to complete the Cherie Blair Foundation (based in the UK), International Women in Business, 12 month online mentorship programme, December 2017.
- Business Partners Business Plan competition Western Cape regional finalist, in October 2017.
- ENS Africa Business Plan competition finalist, in the Western Cape, in April 2018.
- Selected to be part of the panel of women, at the Retail Motor Industry (RMI) Annual General Meeting (October 2019), where a panel discussion was held to showcase successful women, in the Motor Industry.
- Elected to present a HR Master-Class to entrepreneurs at TuksNovation, at the University of Pretoria in October 2019.
Sharing our HR expertise with the readers of Your Business Magazine, which is now available online.
Western Cape Entrepreneurship Recognition Awards – Women Owned Business Category, November 2019