Bringing HR Best Practice to Business

Care for Your Mental Health

Do you lie awake at night, because of worry? Stress and anxiety can take its toll on you. If not addressed, the longer term effects can possibly have far more damaging repercussions both in your personal and work life.


You may find yourself being more edgy or irritable, less sociable or approachable and distracted by worry. As a result, you may have neglected certain roles and responsibilities, which could be a cause for concern. It is thus important to understand and reflect on what keeps you awake at night.

  • Is it because of health concerns? or
  • Is it due to financial strain and how you are going to pay your bills at the end of the month? or
  • Is it possibly your fear of losing your job or your business? or
  • Is it because you are not coping with your workload? or
  • Is it because you cannot cope while working from home and home schooling, as a parent?


Whatever your reason is, it is important for you to recognise your causes of stress and anxiety, in order to manage them.  Leaving this unresolved, could have a compounding negative affect on your overall wellbeing, health, your work performance, your personal relationships, amongst other effects.


Know that you are not alone in having to deal with mental health problems, right now. It is thus vital for business leaders and Human Resources (HR) professionals, to focus on mental health awareness in the workplace throughout the organisation. Your business productivity levels and your bottom-line depends on it.


Here are 5 tips for business leaders or HR professionals on mental wellness in the workplace:

  1. Gain Management buy-in

Provide statistics to the Management team, on the impact of stress or burnout on productivity and the benefits of mental health programmes to strengthen the business case for implementing mental health programs.


  1. Create awareness

Create awareness about the management of stress, depression and anxiety within the workplace and coping strategies at an individual level. There are many free resources available online on mental health. Provide resources on how to identify their stress or anxiety triggers and how to deal with them effectively. Raising awareness can help break the stigma that is associated with mental illnesses or disorders.


  1. Distinguish between what you can and cannot control

Help your employees to reflect on what is within their control and what is not, so that appropriate action can be taken.


  1. Ask for help

Talk to your employees about the importance of seeking help if they are not coping.  Encourage your employees, to find support or go for counselling if needed.


  1. Offer flexibility, where operationally possible

Having a policy on flexible working hours, could possibly assist an employee. If this is operationally possible, offer flexible working hours.


Having mental wellness programmes in the workplace has proven benefits. The next step, is to take action.


Good luck!